An inventor devoloped a robot (for demolitions) named Scrunsher, the machine was like a giant sphere with arms, legs and a big mouth, was activated by the human voice, was needed to repeat twice the name of the machine and then name a certain object. The guy was pretty proud of the invention. He called a co-worker to show him the machine
look! -he tells the man
says to the robot -Scrunsher, Scrunsher a chair.
the robot stands, looks around and when he sees a chair, walks to it and devours it
the invited guy thinks 'this one is so happy because of the thing that I must find a way to spoil his life'
says to the robot:
-Scrunsher, Scrunsher a mosquito.
the robot stands, repeats and looks around again and again but sees no mosquito.
then the second guy starts laughing noisely and says:
-is this Scrunsher? Scrunsher my balls!
then the robot says:
-Scrunsher, Scrunsher your balls
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